You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
Planned Events
Events which the Friends are planning to hold in the future. Make a note of them in your diary.
The following FSPSP events are planned for 2025
.Please put the dates in your diary and come along to support us.
We can’t continue without you! We'll send out more details as we get them.
Friday 24th in the Wilson Room
The History of Ewhurst church - A talk by Janet Balchin
7pm for 7.30pm in the Wilson Room. Wine & nibbles served from 7.00pm (donations welcome). Payment in advance at £5/person.
Please contact Janet:
email; phone 01483 277342.
Friday 7th in the Wilson Room
Repeat Talk - The History of Ewhurst church - A talk by Janet Balchin
7.00pm for 7.30pm in the Wilson Room.
Wine & nibbles served from 7.00pm (donations welcome). Payment in advance at £5/person.
Please contact Janet for booking and payment details:
email; phone 01483 277342
Friday 28th in the Village Hall
Geoff’s Charity Quiz and Ploughmans Supper
In aid of FSPSP and Vaughan House Guildford
7pm – 10pm at Ewhurst Village Hall. Ploughmans served at 7pm.
Quiz begins at 7.30pm. Payment in advance at £12/person.
Please book a table of 8 if you can.
Please contact Jane Harry email:; phone 01483 275047.
Tuesday 11th in the Wilson Room
7pm for 7.30pm in the Wilson Room. Every one welcome.
Wine & nibbles from 7pm (donations welcome).
A summary of FSPSP 2024 activities and finances, and our plans for the future.
Monday 24th at the Bulls Head Pub, Ewhurst
Our Bulls Head Quiz
All money raised will support FSPSP. Book a meal from 6pm. Quiz starts at 8 pm.
More information nearer the time on Bulls Head Instagram.
Tuesday 8 Easter Market at the Parrot Inn, Forest Green
The Market is from 10am – 2pm. Admission is £2/adult.
Excellent stalls and Raffle. Children welcome
Free entry if you advance book a table for lunch that day.
Free classic bus service available to and from the Parrot.
Date tbc FSPSP Stall at Ewhurst Carnival
From the beginning of the month
Ewhurst Christmas cards go on sale
Proceeds to FSPSP
Saturday 29th in the Village Hall
Wine Tasting Evening including a three course meal
7pm – 10pm at Ewhurst Village Hall.
Full details and ticket price nearer to the time.
Advance booking will be necessary.
Date tbc at the Village School
FSPSP Stall at Ewhurst School Christmas Fair